sometimes it writes itselfbecause nature refuses tonurture much of the time,man is inspired to pen histhoughts on whateverpaper is available,news, not..
the likely reader of this prosaic prello-rificpiece is somewhere between the ages of lowerlegality and the crying lot,upper legality and Salem's lot,a..
in a short burst of rage,
all the formalities,
deciding upon something
is a bruise, a ..
can you press reset on a projectthat's been lying dormant like theYellowstone calderafor more thanmillennia?can you really express yourselfthoughtfull..
the smoke and exhaust fumesstagnate in the air like jizz ribbonsthat make contact with aquarium waterand everywhere the actors and agents look,the hyp..
the dichotomy appears,the fight response orthe flight responsewhen the real is presentedand the enemy inspires botheven if the victim is presentedwith..
is this the golden age,wonders the paper tiger that fellfor a figment of his imaginationbut reality crumbles upon his beingwhile he says, I guess I'm ..
ninety-five livedupending Apartheidby living in prisonbecoming presidentrightly, fairly
the open prairie contains talesof windfall and woeof wind blast and snowof acrylic countertop personalitiesand paper tigers with sriracha voicesof hea..
stupid fuckers spouting racist viewsand the event becomes worldwide newsonce a stop on the Milwaukee Roadnow the home to a pair of chodesthat walk the..