Sequel to Her (more or less).
Two friends race against time to find each other, before a crazed girl finds them first.
One boy alone in the middle of winter
Sometimes, all you can do is wish them the best and move on with your life
I don't ever want to fall in loveBecause my heart couldn't take the painOf waking up one day and finding that I wasn't good enoughOr that I'm not thei..
She may be your princess, but I am still the goddamn Queen.You vie for her hand, but it is by mine that the world keeps turning. I am Helen of Troy, m..
Loving you was amazing, but being loved by you was the epitome of a fulfilled life.
It took me too long to realize that
being kind, compassionate, understanding, and sympathetic is considered a
weakness. Showing any kind of emotion ..
You want a war. I don't want to fight.All I want is to be left alone.I've laid my armor down at your feet.I stand before you, waving my white flag whi..
was my favorite color. It was the color of the sky, the ocean, the infinite.
But most of all, it was the color of your eyes. I could always get..