gauravpal : Writing

I rode a moonlit path without any glee.

I rode a moonlit path without any glee.

A Poem by gauravpal

Vast stretches of darkness were my guidance While I walked in a void full of silence. Endless was that rout..
Twisted Tale?

Twisted Tale?

A Poem by gauravpal

They woke up early and kissed each other. After the morning rituals her lover left for the day. He left her with n..
Unknown - II

Unknown - II

A Poem by gauravpal

He had accepted his fate, No miracle would now have been worth the wait. Just like the old times, he’d ..


A Poem by gauravpal

They think it is explicable, well, I don’t. It’s a clever fraud, they say. I don’t. It&rsquo..
An Indelible Imprint

An Indelible Imprint

A Story by gauravpal

Love, the only emotion that I suppose, can never be defined. It’s not an institution. I knew that I loved her and that’s what mattered.Thi..
A massacred love

A massacred love

A Story by gauravpal

He was sure that it was her…almost! He walked briskly down the pavement, overtaking several other fellow pe..


A Poem by gauravpal

This saga doesn't end here neither did it start here. This particular stanza is about his unknown mistake.