I'm not sure how often you check this website, but I have a personal mailing list in which I directly e-mail out my work. I may just use this to load my work as a back up and just send it electronically. If you're interested, let me know.
Thank you so much for leaving a review of 'In Song.' I very much appreciate it. It's been quite some time since I've written poetry, and I wasn't too sure on how it would turn out. Thank you again.
Hey the contest ended last week :( sorry! I won "funniest" for that particular poem. I know there's a bit of a rhytme problem, but the way I say it, it sounds just fine and there isn't a problem.... who knows. I'll cheange it once my finals are done! :) Later! Thanks for the review!
Thank you for your review of Let Sleep, I'm glad you 'got it.' Fractured is a great way to put it, and it's more or less exactly what I was going for. That fleeting in and out of dreaming...
thanks for the review on sober, my structure is lacking in some of my poems, but those always turn out to be the better ones in my eyes. Glad you liked it