Gaston Sanders

Gaston Sanders


Write with your heart and your mind will follow...

League City, TX
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About Me

Retired Navy, educated at University of Houston Clear Lake, Houston, Texas, writing children's books at the moment (three with Kindle), but soon to try a book of horror. I've always written, but have never published until recently with my self-publishing through Kindle.
I've got a lot to learn, and always welcome constructive criticism.
Looking forward to some entrigueing chat.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

I can't seem to submit my writing for some reason. Anybody's help would be appreciated. How do I submit my chapter of my book for review? Thanks... Gaston

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hey guys, I hate to show my ignorance, but I can't get my story to show up. I've typed the prologue twice and it won't happen... Help a needy friend!!!