Gastelum : Writing



A Poem by Gastelum

the heavy oak door leading to the coolwell lit room is forcefully slammedand life begins to empty its soulwhere she screams as he binds h..
pillar to post

pillar to post

A Story by Gastelum

it is summer again, in the past. the leaves swell like my desires, they fill with the energy of the light and create substance. they sway with the win..


A Story by Gastelum

it was the dark of the night that brought me to look out the window. i have seen the night before. i have seen the transformation of evening to dusk m..


A Story by Gastelum

evan stared at her as she told him about the past, in an attempt to ease his troubled mind. her breath was a heavy carpet stained with fresh spilled b..


A Story by Gastelum

--episode one--I'm looking at an angel, he's sitting in a gas chamber. The entrance to his mouth is cracking a smile, asthe entrance to my soul become..
beautiful sights

beautiful sights

A Story by Gastelum

the friend of a friend wakes up every morning looking out his window to meet the day, in a home he'll never pay off before he passes away. the debt gr..
a box of cereal.

a box of cereal.

A Story by Gastelum

In my dream last night I was in a super market. The lights were on and it was twilight outside. I could see some stars close to the horizon just out t..


A Story by Gastelum

there is a place in my mind that is full of confusion and danger. a place that will never know clarity. a room whose door i open on occasion, i turn o..

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