Beyond the veil of names.
Pentantekut was the original Chilcotin peoples' name for this lake in north-central British Columbia. A beautiful, isolated place.
Soft, dry, grey dust, ankle deep, covers my feet.
Stars, in a thick blanket, fill my sight.
Rainbows, after rainfalls, paint my imagination.
This pen has a universe trapped within it
there are suns and moons, planets filled with life,
and barren rocks floating in space.
It wants to write..
We sail an ancient sea, you and I
waters below and abovewithin this ethereal thin
interface of our union
We move a universal rhythm, you and I
This dream I have relentless
constant companion
insistent and portentous
never to forget
I had prayed for it one day
so what would it be
the pri..
random thoughts
a matter of attitude
a surreal satire