Keiko : Writing

Lonely Overload

Lonely Overload

A Poem by Keiko

To many thoughts, running in my mind, To many emotions, fuled to many lies
Army Strong

Army Strong

A Poem by Keiko

7/11/08, my cousin, whose like an older brother to me, departes to Iraq. I want nothing more but to see him before he boards
Dare to live

Dare to live

A Poem by Keiko

There's somthing inside of us That's daring to dream Open your mind to run And you will be free


A Poem by Keiko

ode to Jon
Around the Corner

Around the Corner

A Poem by Keiko

inspired by Mark chp. 13 and Love Hate(On and On) by Disciple
My Man

My Man

A Poem by Keiko

At the end of the day I ask God "When is he coming?" and God replys "In due time". Maybe I've meet you, maybe I haven'..
Jack A*s

Jack A*s

A Poem by Keiko

Just a few words to tell jack how I feel


A Poem by Keiko

God gave me this control, I'm not going to just let you take it
Thank You for Love

Thank You for Love

A Poem by Keiko

Just some random thoughts, that moved my soul


A Poem by Keiko

I'm tired of this life. I'm tired of everything going wrong. I'm tired of not being who you expect me to be. I'm tried of being alone, tried of be..

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