I have stories to tell
Stories of how i got here
Stories of hell
I'm a horror story, please pardon me
The demons i faught are now part of me
At the time i was only twenty with no cent to my name
Head stuck up in the clouds, feeling on top of my game
Mind poisoned with all the sick notions..
When i was little, i was told of
How they collect teeth from under
pillows and leave money
I've grown now and the only similar
case ..
So much on my plate, i need a napkin and a shovel
So much on my mind, i'm like a walking novel
Five feet deep, going on six, then in goes the towel
When you stand before me
Everything goes wrong in a good way
I cant speak, i just smile like an idiot
Longing for words that never seem to come
Drinking grief outta the bitter cup
Life is sweet until it bitter up
She aint known his other side until he beat her up
She's thinking 'how come?' ..
behind this mask
a man unknown
blind as dusk
mysterious as dawn
crazy and wild
still nice to the bone hasty yet mild
grill ice when i'm gone
Black conflict oozing through
As i conteplate on losing you
I saw light and future when i was choosing you
Now its just night, no future, heart bru..
The good, the bad, the ugly
I'm tryna be good, but the bad, the ugly
How do i do it, when bad is tryna hug me
I say bad is most probable, if you as..
Eliminate hate
Put love on plate
No regulations for this one no,
you aint even gotta watch your weight
Tell me, whatchu been feeding on
Poor worl..