fundamellie : Writing

I'm obsessed by you

I\'m obsessed by you

A Story by fundamellie

an obsessive fan-boy lets his imagination run wild
Casualties of champagne

Casualties of champagne

A Poem by fundamellie

this is meant to sound like a Pet Shop Boys' song
Disaster calling

Disaster calling

A Poem by fundamellie

about Oscar Wilde
Mind your mind

Mind your mind

A Poem by fundamellie

Is infotainment the bread-and-circuses of tody?
None the wiser

None the wiser

A Poem by fundamellie

when your lover has more looks than brains you coudl be in trouble
Sex God

Sex God

A Poem by fundamellie

about an unlikely celebrity who attracts over-eager fans (think stalkers)
When is whenever?

When is whenever?

A Poem by fundamellie

wondering if your lover is true
The two of us

The two of us

A Poem by fundamellie

callculation the costs of a relationship - mathematics can be so cruel
The truth about love

The truth about love

A Poem by fundamellie

written about a (back then) happy relation, inspired by W.H.Auden
The measure of love

The measure of love

A Poem by fundamellie

some funny musings on love

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