Difference is a book about a girl named Noa who has a horrible life, and then she meets twins, Devon and Drew, and her life changes drastically. She b..
A Chapter by Gracee
I couldn't believe it. On the porch steps was a parchment colored letter, adressed to me, Noa Faith Vincent. I opened it carefully, trying not to rip ..
A Chapter by Gracee
I stumble down the stairs. AHH! It's 7am and it's the first day of school. Yes, my parents left me the day before my first day of 7th grade. I walk in..
A Chapter by Gracee
Homeroom: Boring.
First Period Math: Boring.
Second Period Science: Boring.
Third Period French: Boring.
Fourth Period Language Arts: Boring.
A Chapter by Gracee
After 7th Period was over, Devon and I swagger over to Drew's locker. Drew's swings on his backpack, and we head out the large glass doors of the bui..
A Chapter by Gracee
After having a wonderful dinner with the Adelsig's (OMG, it's my last name now, too!) and a totally fun and unique game of Scrabble, Xav (I still have..