Francis Thomas Sanchez

Francis Thomas Sanchez


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Los Angeles, CA
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About Me

There is a voice somewhere in here. A voice that wants to belong to something, anything. A voice that reaches intimately from the inside. Searching for a reason, a purpose, a point of contact. And it reaches with all possibility, continuity, and vulnerability. The end result is that we dare to close our eyes and go there with that voice unto a place we've never been. Then whatever unfolds will no longer be unknown.

i'm a work in progress.

I liken myself to an empty living room, owned by new tenants, still undefined, baring no resemblance of character, yet. A simple structure minus any creative decor or configuration. And I wait for inhabitants, for life, for a couch that does not fit quite right, for any form of uniqueness to push me closer to what I am supposed to be.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for accepting the friend request. Feel free to drop by my page anytime; I'll be dropping by yours as soon as I'm done with finals,


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hey kid. I signed up! I seem to have a pretty good welcome here so far and a few reviews on burnt orange. xoxo

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Posted 18 Years Ago


APRIL 21 � 30, 2007

Chinquapin House on the Lake
Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Nope, you're on point - it is sort of a reply to someone else's poem - but the beginning did start off with another "mind frame" - I love the first line and have been fiddling with a poem to fit it for a while - which is rare, I ususally just write one out and that's it - so I think because this poem isn't like that - it is "losing" connection with the reader. Thank you - if the masses say its so - it must be right? I'm not so vain that I think that everyone has to be wrong! :P Thanks for the review, I appreciate it.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thanks for the ad, loved the poem! More please!!

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Posted 18 Years Ago

hey francis hows it going