Parker101 : Writing

The spark strikes

The spark strikes

A Chapter by Parker101

this is about the ''past'' 5 years earlier and how daniel ended up on the wrong side the sestdot S.E.S.T.D.O.T { serving europe till the dawn of..
Theres no place like HOME.....

Theres no place like HOME.....

A Chapter by Parker101

Daniel is taken in by chuck and is trapped there for 5 years until he turns sixteen years old
The meeting

The meeting

A Chapter by Parker101

This is the present guys from where we left off on the black suit
 mission S.A.V.E

mission S.A.V.E

A Chapter by Parker101

Parker is breaking into SESTDOT which is the most dangerous thing that could happen she's trying to find Daniel and save him and meet someone who know..
One trip one will fall down the drain that's where they all go

One trip one will fall down the drain that's where..

A Chapter by Parker101

If the alarm rings waking everyone we're DONE
The other special

The other special

A Chapter by Parker101

I'm not alone in this cold world let me see let me lit your FIRE
The fire

The fire

A Chapter by Parker101

The fire explains why the specials are special
the spark

the spark

A Book by Parker101

Daniel Holmes is a special and nothing is good about being special. after Daniels home had been caught on fire by the (sestdot) he is taken to Europe ..

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