Kismet : Writing



A Poem by Kismet

dreaming of a second chance
Kundalini Rising

Kundalini Rising

A Poem by Kismet

my experience with sexuality and awakening
Digging To China

Digging To China

A Poem by Kismet

a poem that i was going to attempt to seductively rhyme china, and vagina in. could have worked but changed my mind...this is the alternative.


A Poem by Kismet

CONSPIRACIES. Government and the belief that money is power, oppression, religion, war, sacrifice, false beliefs, and female oppression. WITCH HUNT!


A Poem by Kismet

It's the way I still have triggers, nightmares and PTSD from the trauma of losing the person I feared losing most, and how the person i thought I coul..
Given Up

Given Up

A Poem by Kismet

You decide...


A Poem by Kismet

Misery loves companySo she'll keep you in a cage,Trying for a new chapter, but you're stuck on her favorite page,Anything is fair in her loveless warA..
Invisible Face

Invisible Face

A Poem by Kismet

How Dissociation feels.
That's what he'd say

That's what he'd say

A Poem by Kismet

I didn't know you, I only knew of you. You've already become a legend and in my heart, you will ALWAYS remain, though I never made an impact on anyone..
Love or heroin

Love or heroin

A Poem by Kismet

Its a song that depicts addictions and how closely they may correlate to other addictions.