freelancejouster : Writing

violent dream jousting

violent dream jousting

A Poem by freelancejouster

static cracklingin the back of my mindthreatens to overtake.mock battling for controlthey'll lose,and they know it,but they're learning strategy.and q..


A Poem by freelancejouster

are you alright in there?they're knocking on my craniumagain,and it's not like i can't hear them,but i'll ignore them,still.i should probably answer s..
lost is the new found

lost is the new found

A Poem by freelancejouster

stand tall among the lines of the lostand gaze upon a glowing deityof humanproportions.heaven-sent preacherwith a silver voice,trades your childrenfor..


A Poem by freelancejouster

a coughand i'll turn,and i'll knock myself overwith my own surpriseupon seeing the slope of your shoulder,against the door frame,propping it open,like..
stationary wandering

stationary wandering

A Poem by freelancejouster

they ask me what i'm waiting forand the surprise that registers in their eyes,when they realize that i have no ideais kind of frightening.widening cir..
this isn't about Benjamin Franklin

this isn't about Benjamin Franklin

A Poem by freelancejouster

it's raining but it's not rainingand i shant believe it's rainingfor i was going to fly a kiteand i'm not allowed to in the even though it's r..
and we're pretending that i'm not crying out for help

and we're pretending that i'm not crying out for h..

A Poem by freelancejouster

my nose is bleeding,so high in the air,and i'd say you're the told me i was something,but i was just pretending.i pretend all the time...i ..
disintegrating hope

disintegrating hope

A Poem by freelancejouster

game shows and trivia shows blare on, relentlessly, in my quest for more knowledge and outsmarting Watson someday. i sit there, or lay there, in front..
standing still

standing still

A Poem by freelancejouster

you can see the wordsbut not the sentence,you miss the meaningout of movies,seeing just a bunch of pretty faces,in pretty patterns,and it's beautiful...
if there were words for this, you'd speak them

if there were words for this, you'd speak them

A Poem by freelancejouster

broken braille wordstap tap tapped into the concreteas the victimthinks of how heused to know morse code.didn't you know my mother,once upon a time?th..