He looked at me with fear in his eyes as he finally realized the truth. He backed away into the red-brick wall behind him. There was no way he was ge..
A poem is a story,It doesn't have to rhyme.It shows what you were,right in your prime.A poem can unlock,all your lost thoughts.A poem can help you,con..
I'm that friend that's sits in the back,when there is no room in the front.I'm that friend that listens to everyone,but never talks myself.I'm the sho..
hints towards not so pretty part of society.
Is it time to remember,all the good things in my life?Is it time to forgive,all the people that have done me wrong?Is it time to remember,of the peopl..
How do I look at the world full of lies.Should I stay positive and find good in the binds?Or should I go negative and rant on about flies?Will I be ki..
slight hints towards blood, deep meaning about the color red
This is the time that the rooster crows,
the time that the birds sing...
pains of being LGBT for some...
This thing in my heart is what i feel...