Blooming Flower : Writing



A Story by Blooming Flower

She was curled up between the rows of chairs in the sanctuary. Her knees were pushed up to her chest and she was fighting off tears. Her person stood ..
A Hug of Healing

A Hug of Healing

A Story by Blooming Flower

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eyes
Bundles of Joy

Bundles of Joy

A Poem by Blooming Flower

It has nothing to do with the instrumental from Inside Out. It just fit this poem.


A Poem by Blooming Flower

To those who always ran, even through the pain.
Beautiful Sky

Beautiful Sky

A Poem by Blooming Flower

"When I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better." - Anne Frank


A Poem by Blooming Flower

“A smile can be a powerful mask, concealing a depth of pain and heartache beneath its surface. It's often easier to smile than to explain the co..


A Poem by Blooming Flower

"Family is where life begins and love never ends"


A Poem by Blooming Flower

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better". -Albert Einstein
Beautiful Darkness

Beautiful Darkness

A Poem by Blooming Flower

The sounds of chimes echo through the room. A breeze sent the blinds lightly tapping. The rustling of the bushes and the songs of birds. The deep..
Together Again

Together Again

A Story by Blooming Flower

She was walking along the river, her hand absentmindedly fidgeting with the necklace hanging around her throat. She stopped to stare at the water, he..

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