flight_decent : Writing

Pinholes And Pendulums

Pinholes And Pendulums

A Poem by flight_decent

Visualize the interaction of the energies of people's lives as pinholes and pendulums. Shimmers reflecting streaks of God's light through pinhole in..
The River of Love

The River of Love

A Poem by flight_decent

'Twas a journey of souls Thru a shadowy glen Near a deep, darkened wood On a path with no end. Souls, alone starving, together so dead Walki..
Drinking Pain From A Fountain

Drinking Pain From A Fountain

A Poem by flight_decent

The struggle of life is water to the soul. It’s taste is no indulgence. It’s abundance drowns and rots. An inevitable tide With an i..
Tides In A Pond

Tides In A Pond

A Poem by flight_decent

I steal from myself more than any thief could ever pull thru my bloody hands. My fears cause more pain than any loss I have ever known. My desir..
Some Faint Feeling Of Rapture

Some Faint Feeling Of Rapture

A Poem by flight_decent

Life: The insane revelry of misfortune. My steps echo across cobblestone alleyways. Bloodwashed and forsaken. Yet I stand as a dark victor, ..