Frances Lennon

Frances Lennon


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Melbourne, Australia
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About Me

I am an Irish born Australian. I have lived in Australia for most of my adult life. Came to Aus as a very young bride. I love to write poetry and short stories. Have not had the time for it much till recent years. I also love dogs, have two. English Staffordshire Bull Terriers, brother and sister. I just love to jog on the beach with them. I love to browse in second hand furniture and clothing shops. Have scored many a bargain. Have found antique furniture that people just threw out because it was `OLD` ? LOL. I live near the sea and can see the ships pass from my balcony. I sit there for hours writing.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

its ok. (^^,)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

hi there. just want you to read my new work here. if you spare time reading it. ive been out for quite some time here in the cafe, hmmm and its good to be back again! (^^,)

Parts in Isolation
A Poem by Rc R. Vagilidad

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Posted 17 Years Ago

For some reason, I thought you would get something out of "You're a mean one, dr. grinch" As you go through life, you begin to understand what is really going on around. I am glad you stood your ground as well. If we don't, the so called drs., the bad ones, will continue their unethical behavior.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you for your complimentary review of
FLOATING. Look for articles on sailing and
the sea. I love the open water and must write
in detail about the wind and water.
Thank you.
---- Eagle

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I'm glad you liked it! :) Thank you for reading and reviewing. I have some more writing on my blogsite incase you're interested. I post more there than here.
Many thanks again.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

In 'fact' he never did (typo alert).

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi Frances. Thanks for reviewing 'Paddy O'Flaherty'. No, sad to relate, he doesn't really exist... in face he never did, I made him up.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you Frances in reviewing Then Stay withthe in laws. My husband and I got into a little fight... I said for him to stay with my mom and dad and see how he would feel living just one day with them! lol Had to write a poem about the moment because he actually had fear in his eyes!! lol


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hello again Frances. Thank you for reading This Day. I see you got the jest of the poem. This was the saddest day of my life.... writing the poem and thinking of my twin knowing there would be no more songs to sing... Thank you again.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi Frances! I love your new avi! You look so cute! Thank you for review Don't close the Casket door. The lack of descriptive writing and the solo of basic thought conveyed to the reader, the mindset of one going through the motions. An emotion I know so well... Thank you for taking your time out and reading this piece.