Kadie Tee

Kadie Tee


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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Hey hey there... how are we today? Fantastic; me too.
Now that we have that out of the way, let me tell you something about myself and my writing. I seem to have a sarcastic, pessimistic view of the world, and that really shows through in my writing. A lot of it is extremely sarcastic and some of it is also dark and a bit twisted. I'd like to call my writing "dirty," without implying anything sexually deviant, haha. My characters are usually scruffy, scummy and sound like they smell very bad. My settings are the same way, with low hanging clouds and dim city lights.

Like what you hear? Go ahead and read some... tell me what you think. :D


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hi friend, I hope to see you back on the Cafe soon,
it would be great to read your new inspirations ^_^
Kindest Regards, Michael

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I've always hated the thesaurus,

//u got to get over that man.. its fast and easy.
Synonyms: be seized, catch, derive, draw, get, sicken with
Antonyms: be immune

whats to hate about the above.
my lungs seized a breath.
that is sick.
a simple, juicy verb that you (and me) wouldnt think of till we saw it.
and in the name of satan, please read The End of Games. there are like 4 ppl i want to read my stuff. youre one of em.
the copy at editred has been edited.. every time i come to wc, it asks me to reset my password.. its getting old, doing that.
you rock man..

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Posted 17 Years Ago

How are you doing these days? Good news over here is that the chemo is all done and the chemo-brain is clearing up. I've even been able to post a few new pieces since it finished back in october. It's still pretty hard getting my brain in order now, that'll be a problem for a few years since chemo inindates your whole body down to bone marrow, but it's clearing up and the tumors all done so I should be walking again almost normally by summer they say.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

It's been a long time... how are you?
...I've been writing in my sleep...

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Posted 17 Years Ago

hehe, slowly but surely. One of the nasty side effects of chemo is it basically makes it impossible to focus long enough to write when it's still in your system. Like 2 weeks of severe ADD is the only way I can describe it.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Not too bad, just getting over neck surgery and dealing with chemo for the tumor that had eaten some of my vertebrae, but I'm feeling alright lately, healing up fairly well I think.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey stranger, haven't said hi in a while so I figured I'd drop you a line *smile*

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Posted 17 Years Ago

pOLKa dOTs aRE sO iN

the pOLKa dOT coLLecTioN

by benjAmin jOhn hAigh

oUt nOw

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Pick one that truly talks to you, or write one that truly means something to you! As long as it's 50 words or less and can really make the reader feel your emotions it's a good one. By the way I've read about half of "In Medias Res:" That's an amazing story, can't wait to finish the other half.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Utah is pretty great, as long as you don't hook up with a mormon. I saw a show about a mormon girl getting married and it was crazy! There is no way I'd ever marry a mormon after seeing what you have to go through for their religion. I'm sure there are non-mormons in Utah to hang out with though.