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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I am always alone - but never lonely.

I am polite, but not nice. I am contemptuous and callous, but full of passion.

I fall like snow in July and rise like the sun at night.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

And I just realized I can't type for s**t.

I'm not really on this SITE anymore*

It's not exactly a place for WHAT would satisfy*

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Doh, I completely forgot to thank you for the birthday wishes! Thank you!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey stranger!

Things are more than spectacular for me. I hope you can say the same for yourself.

Still writing... yes... although I'm taking a semi-break. I'm not really on this anymore... I drop by for a few minutes and that's it. It's not exactly a place for that would satisfy writers who are looking for... well, ya know.

Twenty isn't a stupid age to me because I'm not into drinking. :P

How have you been? How's the writing/editing/publishing/living/anything/everything?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

The only things that don't rest well with me are you say they scurry to their skyscrapers for shelter from the magnifying glass...but as I see it, the very shelter they hide in is the glass that sears them out of existence.

No, it's that I called the skyscrapers themselves enormous magnifying glasses, erected by the people... no one cares about the planet anymore. They're not scurrying to run away from magnifying glasses; the skyscrapers are the magnifying glasses.

The conclusion, I'll think about it. I'm going through a really weird transitional period right now and trying new things. I don't want to be stuck in a predictable kind of style. "Oh Alia with that x poem again..."

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. As far as publishers are concerned, patience!


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Posted 17 Years Ago

I'm not sure if I've even heard anything from Tsunami Bomb... besides what you have on your playlist.

Which poems did you submit and to where? Good luck. Have you been published before?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Underneath my actual playlist there's a button that says "Create a Playlist" so just click on that. It'll lead you to and you'll have to create an account and follow the directions to upload your own. It's really not that difficult at all. Take it from me, a technotard.

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Posted 17 Years Ago


I've been alright. Took an amazingly relaxing shower and now I just want to drink warm milk and sleep for 4.56 years.

What's up?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

And thank you for the in-depth review of In Dreams of Opal. I used "mist" twice intentionally, yes, but I don't think it works. I've been looking and looking at that poem because it could use a little fine-tuning, but I'm not quite sure what to do with it yet. I've got another project going on and my focus is primarily on that. For now.

Thanks again. I'll be back later.

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Posted 17 Years Ago


I don't really know. As of now I have no intentions of returning to ES, but who knows? Maybe someday this place will die and ES will flourish. Can't really say.

I need refreshing challenges and honest encouragement. I wasn't getting much of either of the two on ES. Don't get me wrong, several people did make a difference, but many of them left. When that happened, I couldn't help but follow.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thank you for reviewing my work, so appreciate it. ciao. tamiviolet.