Ruth Francis/ Wendy Leigh Lawrence

Ruth Francis/ Wendy Leigh Lawrence


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Riverside, NJ
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About Me

25 year old writer from New Jersey, looking to find a way to be published. I am very new to this whole forum, and could REALLY use some help.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Perhaps a sample of your writing would be helpful? I would also suggest you look up Magnolia Belle on this site. Her work is excellent and she's well-versed in the ublishing game.You should also check out the forums, there may be some info you can use there. Hope you find what you're looking for, and welcome to the Cafe.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

are you coming 3/16? please

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Posted 18 Years Ago

"You can't stay in your corner of the forest, waiting for others to come to you; you have to go to them sometimes."

-Winnie the Pooh

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Well the only thing I can tell you is to do your homework. I sent out 150 letters to agents and publisher to no avail. I was discouraged because I knew I had a story to tell.

I then decided to do self publishing. I love my final product but it is a lot of work doing all the marketing.

Be persistent and don't give up your vision. That is all I would say. I did actually get one real offer from someone in New York however after speaking with him I understood he really wanted to just tear my story up and redo it.

Maybe I wouldn't be saying all this now but I am sure it would not have been the same story.

That being said, I do hope someone picks up my next story.

Good Luck,
Frankie James

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Well, to be honest, I have no idea about publishing...I'm sorry I can't help - but I'm sure there's someone on this site who can. Perhaps you should check the forums.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

What would you need help with?
