you weren't always this attentive,taken in by their subtle asking,i attempted to answer.was there an answer?every equation lead on.random scrawls of d..
your breath,amongst the wavelengths.an ectopic echohaunting, reminiscing.radio concertos turn to fuzz.a dreadful static,every voice, feeling,resonatin..
an excerpt i liked more alone
oh child, born of the sea.a tide of loss, love, the want and need.overwhelmed one, heart of gold.the songs of hope who'll never be told.they sing stor..
neon signs guide,the souls of the night.stereo heart;frequencies, a wandererjust trying to survive.infinite stories,always in your eyes;radio stations..
with eyes awakedo you dream?beautiful silicon thoughtssnug so comfortablybeneath the seams ofwhat can, what can"tan infinite repositorymashed data/cac..
this is from the same notebook, these are circa 2021. my craft wasnt quite honed yet
from my old notebook. i like it
My heart goes out to all the victims in Pennsylvania. I'm sorry no one tells your story.
i didnt believe in twin flames. i thought that was just bs. but your absence proves how wrong i was. in the next life i hope we can be brothers again...