Fenix Flight : Writing

Mommy Please

Mommy Please

A Poem by Fenix Flight

To my mother
CHapter Thirty-Four: tearful goodbyes

CHapter Thirty-Four: tearful goodbyes

A Chapter by Fenix Flight

Goodbye but not forever
Wasnt Fair

Wasnt Fair

A Poem by Fenix Flight

Cousin Jeremy
Chapter Thirty-FIve: A Whole New World

Chapter Thirty-FIve: A Whole New World

A Chapter by Fenix Flight

Welcome To Han's World
My Light

My Light

A Poem by Fenix Flight

Chapter Thirty-Six: Uwabaki

Chapter Thirty-Six: Uwabaki

A Chapter by Fenix Flight

"I didn't Reconize you without your slippers on" "Don't you mean Uwabaki?"
False Hope

False Hope

A Poem by Fenix Flight

9th grade work


A Poem by Fenix Flight

9th grade work