adults only
adults only
For adults only
the first cup of the day is always the best. waking up with a blinding headache, a nose so full I can't breath, and a face as red as a beetroot, my t..
Written coming out of a really bad time, and finally meeting someone who made me feel so much better about myself.
Head rush,Fucked up,Won't give up
Penetration,Mutilation,Knife cuts skin
Blood runs down, take my pain
Wrists will be next, knife won't cut again.
This is a story about socialising in the 21st Centruy - what our lives have become thanks to social networking sites - not sure how it will evolve yet..
10.30 a.m. Monday 12th January 2009
First log in of the day.Three emails and two notifications.Read the emails first.One from Wonderlight, a band wh..
I've had such a rubbish afternoon. Work was completely crazy 3.30 p.m. and my boss brings out some work he wants completed by the end o..
written for someone who liked angels