It was like any other day, the bleeding sun was broughtup, but in the corner lay a strange glow. It seemed to emulate from the angels moon. I had hear..
Touch me, in the Venice time
Soft essence glows each hand you lift
Splash as each droplets dances in afternoon sonnet
Lover kiss tantalize my breat..
Goddess Bridgetdraped in silken butterflies essence
She pretends to be , for her in daily life the life is mortals not kings
Herspirit body, w..
Veil of dewy dipped stars
Tenderly glides to the solstice moon
Bathed in loveliness and joy
Vesper lighted vessels azure
Surrealistic delights ..
Of beauty and earthy songs, played by the harp
'Tis heaven blending in solace as each soloplayed part
Silence of streams waterfalls sounds
Angels s..
Stavo sognando di voi
It happened a very long time ago, the silence fell upon the fairies prefumed stain
The magical village becomes shimmery red, many saw the legend an..
Love can be forever
Jeweled colors of rainbows hues
Pristine hummingbird lovers sing
In there centerpiece of existence with time
While the ageless canvas, angels painted in cherubs light
Beautiful opaque, patinas soft silvery skies
Young-eyed angelic child's heart
Pure, innoc..