When all the noise, the clamor,
the busyness of life,
weighs down upon my soul,
I long for the serenity that can be found,
high up in the mountain..
I sit astride a rented horse,
with the breeze caressing my face.
I toss popcorn to the squirrels,
who catch every kernel in cute, tiny hands.
Tread lightly
on this heart of mine.
The path I've walked
has been exceedingly difficult.
I feign a state of order,
but I feel rather delicate w..
amongst the freshly mowed grass
and hot sunshine,
sheets sway on the clothesline.
I immerse my nose in their clean scent.
Whilst I hear ..
Pelting rain,
savage wind,
whirlwind destruction
and closed fingers 'round the door.
Unrelenting yearning,
interminable anguish
shackled my heart.
Undeserved redemption,
my soul's liberation!
Life, like a candle burning,
its flame nearly extinguished
by the harsh blowing winds of life,
but then, just often enough
to keep the candle hop..
High clouds,
ocean dunes,
sea waves,
biting wind
cuts me.
Life being moved,
beyond my grasp.
Disabled in body,
pain steps in again,
determined to win,
adding here, increasing there,
beginning elsewhere
Those positive thinker's, you know the type,
what you think is what you'll manifest,
that like brings like,
just put yourself on a positive quest.