Evyn Rubin : Writing

How Did Self-Injury Enter the Stiltskin Family?

How Did Self-Injury Enter the Stiltskin Family?

A Poem by Evyn Rubin

a made up story to explain something factual
The Onset

The Onset

A Poem by Evyn Rubin

poem and memoir, the onset of my PTSD, 1978, California
Talent Shows in My Family

Talent Shows in My Family

A Story by Evyn Rubin

This story is in the background of why I initiated "The Great Lesbian Talent Show" in 1974 -
A Potential Disaster Averted!

A Potential Disaster Averted!

A Story by Evyn Rubin

My quest for personal liberty takes a strong turn.
A Fast Begins in Nineveh

A Fast Begins in Nineveh

A Poem by Evyn Rubin

an excerpt from my long poem loosely based on the Book of Jonah
 Toilets I Saw

Toilets I Saw

A Story by Evyn Rubin

ecology considerations, 3rd report from my trip to Israel
Sandra and Maury's Trees in Retirement

Sandra and Maury's Trees in Retirement

A Poem by Evyn Rubin

memoir in the format of poetry
The Great Lesbian Talent Show, 1974

The Great Lesbian Talent Show, 1974

A Story by Evyn Rubin

I begin to reminisce and rehash about this event. True but fragmentary.
Dagny Versus Darlene

Dagny Versus Darlene

A Story by Evyn Rubin

fragment of a true story, set in 1973, in Santa Monica, California