Christina : Writing

Untitled 3-08-08

Untitled 3-08-08

A Poem by Christina

crimson petals so sweet so deep are they really to keep? fragile hearts paper emotions easy to dispose of who would care something so brea..
Too Good to Be True 3-08-08

Too Good to Be True 3-08-08

A Poem by Christina

the thoughts, the feelings seemed so unreal the gentle caresses the trailing kisses the loving words so sweet such a thing can't surely be real ..
Untitled 3-09-08

Untitled 3-09-08

A Poem by Christina

play the music loud drown out the screams laugh as if it doesn't hurt soon it'll all be okay the tears, the fears will all soon dry up the cut..
Sonnet 3-16-08

Sonnet 3-16-08

A Poem by Christina

I used to have a dream of you and I, In my dream we were free from our chains, we were free to fly, Free to fly higher than a kite in sky, But I fi..
Untitled 3-25-08

Untitled 3-25-08

A Poem by Christina

things’ll never be the same no matter how hard you try through all the tears and games and all the heartbreak and lies it won’t be r..