I.M. de Ville

I.M. de Ville


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I just want to share my stories with you.


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Posted 13 Years Ago

What story's chapter do you want reviewed?

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Sorry, damn thunderstorms.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hey, let me know what you think. You dont need to review-IDK about points of anything like that...just curious what you think...

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Posted 14 Years Ago

What a joy

What a joy it is to be alive. What an extraordinary opportunity it is to be aware and able to interact with all that surrounds you.
How wonderful it can be to feel weary after a fulfilling day's work. What a blessing it is to awaken to the unique possibilities of a new day.

It is such a delight to discover something new and interesting. It is so fulfilling to make a difference in the lives of others.

For every single difficulty there are a hundred blessings. How sweet it can be when you open your eyes to them all.

What a special experience it is to create something valuable and original. How enriching it can be to see the beauty that is in the magnificent vistas as well as the small details.

Certainly life has its difficulties. Yet even the difficulties help to make the overwhelming goodness of life that much more worth living.

-- Ralph Marston