Ella Emergency

Ella Emergency


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Denver, CO
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About Me

I just wait around and write.
I don't really want or have friends.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

thanks for the review. you might want to check out my poem. king cunnilingus hahaha

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Posted 14 Years Ago

just read everyytthinng cause i miss your awesome reviews.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

hey. you kept me as a friend.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

hey, i wrote a new poem called "Darkness" look at it and comment, nothing harsh, please and thank you ^^

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Posted 14 Years Ago

haha this site is overflowing with creeps.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

you only ever hear from me when i come by to tell you how kickass your bio is...well, thats a kickass bio.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

haha. it seems that way.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

DAMN! that is a kickasss f*****g biography. nice.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thanks for the honest feedback and advice. I had written those poems several years ago and I did take your advice, just not as soon as I would have liked to. I've learned a lot over the years. I wouldn't say I've grown colder but I have an easier time seeing the bigger picture. As for my poem Rejection, it involved a close friend of many years. In hindsight, "F**k that b***h" is how our friendship ended. I do believe that there are some people that you will have throughout your life (very select few) and you must choose them wisely. I was 17 at the time (14 when we met) and she I were very close for several years and in the end... she fucked me over good. I tend to see the best in people when I should really be prepared for the worst. I do not think you're a b***h nor a hypocrite. You seem brutally honest and that honesty is something I need to listen to because there's a lot of truth behind it. Whether it be "tough love" or being a f*****g realist, that's what I need from those close in my life. My new writing that I have in the works is much more artistic, creative, and evolved. I admit that when I was younger that I was an emotionally lovesick weak person. We all have our issues, I've learned and grown from them and will continue to do so. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for not holding back and to acknowledge that I eventually received my reality check, it just took longer than it should have.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

thanks so much for always reading my junk and for saying nice stuff.