it's vitalTrump and Taylorin a treeS-i-n-g-i-n-git is a disturbed musical influencelove is a scratch that makesa record play smoothlydespite its defec..
the unknown poeti think i emerged extinctyesterday morningthe sun did not risebut turned in sorrowall my wordspirouetted into dustand no one remembere..
Plagiaristbored linguisticseven my commas are running awayin ennuii have no adjectivesto retaliatejust passive verbsand lots of conjunctionsconnecting..
the balance of a partnerit's the dry seasonin between lovesin between touchfamine of heartit shrinks to a thumbprintwith no beatlike a song with no pu..
Turning Backwardsold manin the infant's car seatstraggling the road of lifewith baby stepsdrinking aged wineby the bottletrying to find somethingin th..