jacob erin-cilberto : Writing

the long and winding cloud

the long and winding cloud

A Poem by jacob erin-cilberto

the long and winding cloudI want to detachwatch the personal poetrytake a window seatshow it what it's leavingand what it's left meI can't keep writin..
a Father in Twilight

a Father in Twilight

A Poem by jacob erin-cilberto

a Father in Twilightwe met somewhere betweenrustic humorand caustic dementiain his sleep he remembered me clearlyawake I was a strange acquaintanceon ..
the silent drive-by

the silent drive-by

A Poem by jacob erin-cilberto

the silent drive-by you corrupt feelings with your vagabond words drivel all over the neighborhood never stopping at the inte..
on occasion

on occasion

A Poem by jacob erin-cilberto

on occasion the fly in my soup ducked under the waves and tore his wings slogging through the thick split pea of life ..
New Year's Eve at the Kennel

New Year's Eve at the Kennel

A Poem by jacob erin-cilberto

New Year's Eve at the Kenneldog chatter in the alleywaysmischievous canineschewing the fat with each otherand gnawing on bonesthrown out the back door..
Letter to the Muse

Letter to the Muse

A Poem by jacob erin-cilberto

Letter to the Musewriting poetry was your idea,not mineI just wanted to have some loveread others' booksand fantasizebeing recognizedthen you put my n..
Ratso's cave

Ratso's cave

A Poem by jacob erin-cilberto

Ratso's cave paraphernalia sits across from the unmade bed, sheets of needles ruptured skin of one suffocating from the ..
 Rhetorically Speaking

Rhetorically Speaking

A Poem by jacob erin-cilberto

Rhetorically Speakingtook a seminar on depressionlearned to love to liveliving on the edgeon the vergeof getting wellon living to lovea peaceful minde..
a school of angry whales

a school of angry whales

A Poem by jacob erin-cilberto

a school of angry whalesgutted emotionsmutiny of feelingsthe captain's calmis truantthe heart is capsizingwhile downsizingone of the lifeboatsis missi..