jacob erin-cilberto

jacob erin-cilberto


my mother in 1957

Carbondale, IL
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About Me

Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other poets, and I get so much of that here.
And most often the reviews I receive really encourage me to keep the fingers moving over the keys, and I appreciate that as well. I have been here now since about 2008 and it has been good years. I thank my fellow poets for that.

Friending works two ways. If we have had interaction, which means a two way street, a back and forth, comment-wise...then I will accept a friend request and will request you as a friend so that I can keep up with your writing. But if you friend me just so that I will read and comment on your work and don't reciprocate, the friendship will not last.
The purpose of a site like this is to Share.
I love reading and will search for new poets, poets I have never read before...


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Posted 3 Months Ago

Have a very merry commercial exploitation of a once meangful occasion... 🎶 and a happy new year 🎶
Bah humbug and Ho ho ho! 😃

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Posted 3 Months Ago

You changed your avatar! See, I notice things!! ; )

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Posted 1 Year Ago


For the record that can never be denied: You are one of the finest, touching and poignant, contemporary Poets that I have ever been blessed to have read, and to know online via Writerscafe ... I would tell you that you, your efforts, your writing are appreciated, but as such would never be enough said of that which can never be fully said ... So let it suffice to say: Jacob, you are loved by all those (like me) whose hearts and lives you have so wonderfully touched ...

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

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Posted 1 Year Ago

will have a new poem soon :)

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Posted 1 Year Ago

All my links to this site are saying I don't have "permission" to access them...weird. I can't access my own stats, writing, etc. Seriously wondering what's going on with WC. A writer told me earlier today that she could not view my page but I was able to leave a review on her page. I've noticed people being "blocked" that I have not blocked and people blocking me. I'm unblocking them as fast as I can when I come across one. Miss Sharon contacted me saying her page would not load and she could not post. Relic has closed his account because he said it would not allow him to post or give access to his work. Wondering what's going on here.

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Posted 2 Years Ago

Id like to thank you for being a kind of central hub for new, quality writers currently active on the site. Last I was active (you can see in my comment section on my profile) was 10ish years ago, and most of the people I worked and spoke with have moved on. But now, all I have to do is click through profiles who have left comments on your poems, or posted a comment on your main page, and almost without exception they themselves are quality poets worth reading!

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Posted 2 Years Ago

Welcome back Jacob!! Missed you.

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Posted 2 Years Ago

You have reopened your account Jacob. That is so good to see. Plenty of poems now in your library for your readers to peruse. Looking forward to new posts from you when you are well enough.


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Posted 2 Years Ago

Thank you ever so much for your recent review of my work. It is much appreciated. Tomorrow begins our new school year so I'm going to be very busy until things settle into a routine again. Wishing you all the best, my friend. F.

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Posted 3 Years Ago

Glad to see you reopened your account, I enjoy your poems. Have a great day