e.renoldi : Writing

The Woe of Rainbows

The Woe of Rainbows

A Poem by e.renoldi

Based on the song, "Rainbow Connection" Ty Kermit
The Field

The Field

A Poem by e.renoldi

more mumbled memories
While Doing Laundry

While Doing Laundry

A Poem by e.renoldi

surreal in the mundane


A Poem by e.renoldi

Somedays I remember everything about you. Somedays I can only see your eyes. Somedays there is you and me. Somedays there is us and we. ..
Under The Microscope

Under The Microscope

A Poem by e.renoldi

inspired by a dream
Life is Hard

Life is Hard

A Poem by e.renoldi

“There's some people and I (like me) who have a really tough time getting through this life. Excuse us (me) while we sing to the sky.&rdquo..


A Poem by e.renoldi

Greetings The mid-morning meeting sings: “Bon bon ayo!” Tomorrow, we meet God and in our ghetto communication scream: &ldq..
Tables & Bums

Tables & Bums

A Poem by e.renoldi

People are happy? So group them together- the bums I mean. A bummed happy group. I’m bummed. We should always keep a song about love ok..
Cinnamon Penguins

Cinnamon Penguins

A Poem by e.renoldi

Cinnamon Penguins “He was bein’ peachy ma’am.” That’s what the suit told her, he had a theory. It was Su..
A Reflection of Shadows

A Reflection of Shadows

A Poem by e.renoldi

written in response to the image shown, as well as another image unable to be posted here. enjoy!