About Me
Hey there, I'm Caleb.
I'm 20 years old, and I work for the Canadian Army. I know what you're thinking:
"But, Caleb! Canadians don't have an army, silly! They just drink maple syrup and high-five beavers and talk funny in their arctic tundra of a country!"
As true as this could very well be [it's really not, though], we do in fact have an army! And we have a rich history! We really do! Look it up!
Anyways, enough about my job, what of my interests? I'm interested in writing, music [been playing guitar for 11ish years, studying music theory since I could read, I swear], video games, and girls. Oh, girls.
Most of all, I'm interested in -you-
Message me! Friend me! I want to meet everybody. I read everything I get RR'd, and if I have anything useful to say I will comment: and if you've seen my other reviews, you'll know I'm typically VERY constructive.
Anyways, I'm not usually very vocal in these sorts of things [but to be fair, I'm less being "vocal" and more "writing more." Either way.]
The bottom line: I'm Enjoy, & I dearly hope you do.