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Montverde, FL
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I have been an amateur writer since I was a teenager. I continually strive to improve my works, and I am certainly not as refined as I'd like. I am horribly hot and cold. I'd love to be able to write more often, without droughts and life's natural interruptions. I enjoy writing humor essays the most, but I dabble in many things.

I currently work in law enforcement, and have done so for 6 years now. I would someday like to write a book detailing my unusual and humorous moments in such an unusual profession. I hesitate to begin such a project, until I feel like I have reached my creative and intellectual peak. I do not feel that I am there yet.

I hope that once I begin posting my writing here, that my work will be enjoyed and appreciated. I also look forward to some healthy constructive criticism, as I am always striving for improvement.