How relieved I was to not hear bones against concrete.
Ed had caught his brother just in time. Al's face was flushed and pale, and he looked scared..
I could spot Envy high up, but I knew my bullets wouldn't reach him from where we were. "Envy's up there! Ed, what do we do?" I asked over the screa..
My eyes widened. "Edward!" I screamed running to the side of the basket and looking down. Thank goodness for me, because Ed had grabbed onto Envy's ..
I closed my eyes, then looked to see Envy plummiting below. I was relieved to see that I had shot him succesfully, but then I was scared to see Ed a..
Luckily, Winry's house remained untouched by the chaos. While her lawn was covered in a thick puff of smoke and the trees were naked of leaves, her ..
That night, Winry helped set up Ed's room upstairs, but I didn't. I wanted to go see the water from outside. It was starry outside, and I had to kno..
So that's pretty much it. Now we all live happily in Resembool. The repairs have fully been made, and it doesn't even look like Envy had passed thro..
The FMA:B proposal is cute. I feel threatened. Therefore, I must remake a proposal twice as cute!! Here I go!! It takes place in Reverse 2. Koda is n..
Ed is bold, Koda is italics, underlined in bold AND italics is both of them
Never again to see the light of day
Never again will my happiness stay
A faraway hope, ever so lightly brushing my fingers
Washing away what li..
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