Cari Hamersky

Cari Hamersky


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About Me

I am a 23 year old girl.
I am in an amazing relationship and have been in it for almost a year.
I am a Reformed Christian who is not ashamed of my faith.
I am strongly Pro-Life.
I love music, its one of the biggest parts of my life.
I like a wide variety of music, and that actually angers some people.
I love talking to people and making new friends.
I love my old friends too - each friend is special to me.
I hate drama (but not acting drama) with a most extreme passion.
I cannot stand legalism, I think its one of the worst "diseases."
I am a movie fanatic, and especially love midnight premieres.
I don't like people who judge me without getting to know me.
I have some of the most awesome close friends in the world.
I have a strong work ethic, but can also be laid back.
I have a little sister and a little brother.
I have a mom and dad who have raised me the best they could.
I try my hardest to be a good Christian, but I know I'm not perfect.
I am going back to school to be a pharmacy tech.
I love writing poetry, it helps me express my feelings.
I try to be a true friend to everyone, and show people I care.
I have been hurt by a lot of people, so now I hardly trust anyone.
I love buying stuff for my friends & spoiling them, just because I do, so don't fight it.

I used to be depressed, suicidal, and do SI... but I'm done with that now.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

wow, very interesting biogrophy. we also foster, i have alittle brother whose adopted, we are adopting my little sister in a week, and there are three birth children as well as many different foster kids in and out. i am also a christian as well :) it seems we share alot in common, except im going for nursing and still dont work, lol. anywayz im looking forward to hearing your views, opinions, and just your work, welcome :)