Cassie Fraga

Cassie Fraga


Our lives begin to end when we become silent to the things that matter.

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About Me


1. I am the girl who people say is a "dreamer" or "over imaginative"... they are correct... I am this way because I like the view from the clouds, my world looks more beautiful from up there. hahaha...
2. I am the girl who clips coupons, shops Wal-Mart, loves 2 day ad sales, hits up only the clearance racks at the malls, and will never spend more than $10 on a purse. (cheap???!)
3. I am the girl who loves the art of LITERATURE in any shape or form it comes in. (creativity is awesome!!)
4. I am the girl who HATES dressing up... I’ve said it once I’ll say it again; I don’t need a designer tag to make a man want me.
5. I am the girl who can’t stand being told what to do... this also walks hand in hand with can’t stand critical people!! (Who the hell gives one the right to belittle another? nobody is perfect!)
6. I am the girl who will let you know when you’re getting on my nerves...
7. I am the girl who thinks the funniest thing in the world is when people get scared or fall... hahaha...(and yes I am the one to laugh first then ask if you’re ok?)
8. I am the girl who is very afraid of change... (But is quickly learning that sometimes change is what one needs to be ok.)
9. I am the girl who would rather be adored by the beauty of a man’s character then with jewels... (Jewels can’t make me laugh, or talk, or hold me, so why would I want them??)
10. I am the girl who is free spirited...I do believe in things like destiny, and signs, karma, fate, higher power and paying attention to my dreams. (If u can’t see the signs to why something has happened, open your eyes be patient and wait for them... they'll show. everything happens for a reason...)
11. I am the girl who is the doubled fisted, 8-ball shooting, football watching type. I’m a bit of a tomboy who wears my jeans a little tight; my T-tops a little low, and enjoys her jack on the rocks... (Ppsssst... hey... don’t mind me when I start that trashy talk when jack comes to visit...) ;)
12. I am the girl who doesn’t like others in my personal space or business... if I don’t invite u inside my bubble then u don’t need to be there.
13. I am the girl who wants to become the kind of woman that when I get out of bed in the morning the devil himself says, "oh damn she’s up..." (My insecurities seem to have quite the hold on me... I’m always second guessing myself.)
14. I am the kind of girl who likes to be called beautiful then hot...
15. I am the kind of girl who isn’t very serious, I can be when I have to be... but I don’t like it, serious is just not a good look for me. : )




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Posted 11 Years Ago

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Posted 11 Years Ago

May You be Blessed Beyond Your expectations Good Morning !

Good Morning | Forward this Picture

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Posted 11 Years Ago

 photo dccca2ec-b529-4f6c-add0-8fc0acb45214_zps4bbdcdfa.jpg
Miss you Homie!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Have a Happy Easter~xoxo~:)

Source: via Rebecca on Pinterest

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Source: via Madelon on Pinterest

Have the most wonderful lovely and amazing day Sissy!!!! LOVE YOU! xoxo

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Posted 12 Years Ago

"Love" is a must...
sprinkled with pixie dust... :)

Wishing you a lovely Valentine's Day~xoxo~You are always in my thoughts Sissy!

Source: via Bklyn on Pinterest


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Source: via Sophia on Pinterest


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Posted 12 Years Ago

You're an angel sweet sis, I give you a hug with whole my heart for being so sweet ! X thank you, will soon be back for you love X

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hiya Cassie! =) Hugs!
The profile stuff was all done on Photobucket and then added in as html images. The writing part against the back ground of stars took me forever to get the sizing right of the words. But basically you load up the back ground image into photo bucket and then add text, just making sure that your image is no wider than 500 pixels.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Well things are looking up after hearing from you beautiful. Always love when you stop by. :) How are you doing?