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unbrakable fragile girl : Writing

crystal walls

crystal walls

A Poem by unbrakable fragile girl

with words in my head and pain in my heart I look through these crystal walls witch are falling apart ....
kisses from a saviour

kisses from a saviour

A Poem by unbrakable fragile girl

the tears burn like acid scorching the skin, till your a skeleton just a pile of bone dumped on the floor sweet kisses from the razor release..
I'm the Queen

I'm the Queen

A Poem by unbrakable fragile girl

ill put on a show for now but not for much longer ill dance for you dodge your bullets play your game but if I'm playing I'm ganna be the qu..
you left me with to many thoughts

you left me with to many thoughts

A Poem by unbrakable fragile girl

you got angry and screamed, blaming it all on me . you glared and huffed , while I'v had enough. leaving me with thoughts in my head , questio..
wishing for a smile

wishing for a smile

A Poem by unbrakable fragile girl

you think after a while all your feelings will go numb ... your mind go blank or maybe dead... that's not true sadly, your feelings amplify turning..
goodbye for now

goodbye for now

A Poem by unbrakable fragile girl

watch me fall ill make a show out of you can see me struggle the broken pieces are sharp these wrists keep bleeding I can't do it anymore ..
the anchor to my ship

the anchor to my ship

A Poem by unbrakable fragile girl

who will be the one to help me not drown at sea, that will hold me up, event though the anchors attached to me are heavy, who will be the persone..
I'm dead not dying

I'm dead not dying

A Poem by unbrakable fragile girl

the pain it dosent go away no matter how hard I try the scares never fade the misery only gets thicker and the days only get longer it hurts t..
hidding in my broken shell

hidding in my broken shell

A Poem by unbrakable fragile girl

I'm not perfect i never said I was I don't think I am and never will ,I'm truly broken inside . you never notice becuse I laugh I smile I fool around ..
1 part out of 100000 of my life

1 part out of 100000 of my life

A Story by unbrakable fragile girl

this is some of the basics that have been my struggles in life I hope you read ,and comment below sorry its long

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