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Shadows Shadows

A Book by Megan

About Me

Hi. I'm Megan. If you're wondering about my nusername, it's "Katie-Little-Star" in Hungarian, which is my grandfather's native country, my dad's half, and mine a quarter. I come from many different ethnicities like Irish, Polish, and Swedish. I was born in California in America. I take a great deadl of pride in my complicated and rare heritage. I have blonde hair, grey eyes and tan skin, yet I am still recognaizably fair. I love to write, as it is my deepest passion. Well, I've been writing since I ever carefully etched playful words on my walls with baby food. (spinach, of course) My mom's a journalist, and my dad is a very well-known doctor, so I come from a well-off family. My mom is a grammar-freak so I also have her way with words, and I am regretful to inform you that I also have inherited her uncanny annoyance for improper grammar. If you took a look at me you would think, "Oh. Another blond from California. Of course. She's goregous, rich, snotty. I'm not. Although I prefer to think of myself as gorgeous, I'm not that shallow. I am deeper than the oceannnnnn... but anyways, I have a lot more to me than at first glance. So don't judge me and get to know me. I am very humorous and have a very playful attitude. I know I sound like a forty-year-old trying to masquerade as a young woman on an online community of authors, but I assure you that is not the case. I am very dressy. In fact, probably the dressiest person in school. I have a strong affinity for high waisted skirts, swathers, skinny jeans, flats, and boots. I love Hello Kitty. Like, Love. Oh, and I forgot to mention, it drives my mom insane, but I can't help myself... I say like fify-thousand times a day. I am artsy. Creative. I play two insturments including flute and piano. I love to draw anime and watch it, too. I do often over-indulge on Hot Tamales. Woot! Dee-lic-ious! But I stay on track by playing soccer. I also, like my dad, have an intrest in tennis.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Joy Beyond You

by Ralph Marston

Every time you experience joy, there is one less person feeling pain. Each time you spread joy to another, the positive power of that joy begins to multiply.

There is no limit to how far and wide the joy can spread when you send it out beyond you. There is no telling what goodness will eventually result when you choose to nurture and send forth joy from your life.

To be truly joyful is not a self-centered pursuit. It is one of the most generous things you can do.

For your joy is infectious. The more sincerely you love life, the better life becomes for all those who come near you.

The joy you know will go out beyond you, out into a world where it will truly make a difference. Each moment lived in joy is a brilliance that can light the deepest darkness.

Give your heart the experience of joy. And that joy will expand far beyond you.