emily joe

emily joe


It's been years, send me your words

Chicago, IL
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About Me

Emily, 20, currently living in Chicago.

Funny story: I dropped out of college after wrangling mental illness my freshmen year and have since been figuring out what the f**k I want to do with me life. Right now that consists of working a s**t job and interning at a non-profit women’s organization (and living with my man.)

What I do know is I’m leaving my great city in just under 2 months to try my hand at southern California. I know that above all, I am a feminist, f*****g relentless Free The N****e advocate, and unshamefully an unyielding romantic.

I have been writing and breathing poetry since the moment I could speak. This is what I know. I know I can say it better in a poem, and I know I’m also pretty f*****g hilarious and I don’t feel loserish laughing at my own jokes until I snort because my ability to hold a conversation with just about anyone is a god damn gift and I won’t pretend I don’t enjoy it. I don’t know where the f**k I’m going or what it will be called. But right now, I KNOW I’ll be in California, living paycheck to paycheck, going to bed next to the man I love, scribbling kick a*s first lines and perpetually forgetting where I’ve hidden them. Honestly this is the first time in my life that I just don’t give a f**k about anything but making myself happy. I survive Severe Clinical Depression, Social Anxiety and normal 20 year old bullshit every day and I am so proud and so happy to be me after such a long battle


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Posted 9 Years Ago

It's 1am and I'm reading your poems and honestly I think you're one of the most talented poets I've ever read and I'm grateful to have met you.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Hope you'll stop back by for us, Emily Joe! Cheers! :)

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Posted 13 Years Ago

forreal i miss you so f*****g much. and yaaaay that's so great! i will totally meet you there... alsooo i haven't been sending you your yarmulkes (little jew hats) but just know that every month i think about you and how i should be sending you another one and i love and i miss you and okay i'm done.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Emily Joe, i miss you dearly.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

hahahaha emily <3 i f*****g love you

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Coincidentally, I have a crush on you.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

i miss you sooo much. i can't go all year without seeing you all. can we please all meet up in newyork again next summer?

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Congratulations on getting published! :)

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Posted 13 Years Ago

So this must be her ghost online.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the kind words in your review. I am overwhelmed by your words and thoughts about my writing. Thank you! I'm just so glad that you like my work, that feels so amazing :)