Emilija : Writing

Not Cool

Not Cool

A Story by Emilija

Travis and Sebastian were sitting in the car, watching the house at the end of the street. Travis felt sleepy and dull. It was the third week alre..
Right Here, 4.06AM, Thursday, 28th of April, 2016

Right Here, 4.06AM, Thursday, 28th of April, 2016

A Story by Emilija

The phone rang on the bed table and Cleo slowly shifted underneath her bedsheets. It was 2.48AM, Monday or Thursday, 28th of April, preferably 2004,..
We Are The Mountain

We Are The Mountain

A Story by Emilija

Emmet was laying on the roof and enjoying his lifeless afternoon. The weather was nice during the past few days and it was his first chance to appre..
The Baby Seals Slipper Thoughts II

The Baby Seals Slipper Thoughts II

A Story by Emilija

Basil had a blank expression on his face, an expression that only his baby seal slippers were familiar with. It was an indicator that he was done ..
Sand Toothpick Bones

Sand Toothpick Bones

A Story by Emilija

Aiden stared into the note that he found on his coffee table. “Sand Toothpick Bones” it said. He was so tired of her games. He hated rid..
Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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Party Mood

Party Mood

A Story by Emilija

Collin was in no mood for a party. It was one of those weeks or even months that just wasn’t as good as the others. And especially now, on a c..
The Baby Seals Slipper Thoughts

The Baby Seals Slipper Thoughts

A Story by Emilija

The clock was ticking in the background as Basil turned over in his bed for the tenth time already. The sheets were warm and even the backside o..
An Old Friend

An Old Friend

A Story by Emilija

The blinking lights in the small room were beginning to annoy Finn, it was like Josh trying to solve math problem in class. It was trying, but they ..
The Silver Bracelet

The Silver Bracelet

A Story by Emilija

The never ending, tiring and heated mixture of shouting, bargaining and drumming of the fast African rhythms came in as a quiet echo into the room t..
The Last Rebels

The Last Rebels

A Story by Emilija

She turned off the engine and tried to see something outside of the car. But all that Eliza could see were the silhouettes of trees that were moving..

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