For all the hopeless romantics out there.
Yes, the title is spelled correctly. It's a bit of a pun, only, I played with letters to make a play on words ;P
This came to me while I was doing laundry. I think my muse likes to attack me at extremely random moments. Also, back to rhyme I go :P
I succumbed to a haiku. D: Just kidding, I actually quite like them :)
I'm a bit rusty at free-verse, but I wanted to give it a go. Feedback is always lovely :)
This angsty little number hit me on a walk I took. The words came so fast I had to text them to my email so I wouldn't forget. I'm not going to say wh..
A lyrical sort of inner-monologue. Or something.
A monologue-type poem, similar to 'Cloud Nine'. I might tweak it a bit still, but I haven't posted anything in a while, so for now I'm just leaving it..
A Story by Alana
WARNING: This is a bit of a controversial topic with mild suggestive content.
Also, Amie is the same as Amy. I just really like the alternate spellin..
My entry for the 'Ten Items or Less' Contest :)