Eloise Johns

Eloise Johns


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Devon, Plymouth, United Kingdom
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About Me

Ellie is the name and being tiny is my game, I stand at 5ft 1 and adore it. I'm one of those overly bubbly people when I'm really happy which is most of the time. I give pretty good advice whenever someone needs it.

I do the usual stuff, which includes going out and watching T,V. I enjoy gaming but I don't do it as much as I would like to, due to my boyfriend hogging the Xbox. I love writing but find it hard to finish a story which isn't good considering I would one day like to be a published author.

Plymouth College of Art and Design, is where I am attending and through the whole time I've been there more drama in and out of that building has happened in a long time. I've lost friends this year but also gained a fair few, who I have realised are quite amazing people.

Read my stories and give feedback, your opinion matters to me more than anything. I want the stories to be for you all.

STORY INFO: If you want to follow my blog I update it regularly with news about my stories and what will be coming up and when I've updated my chapters, if you want to visit my website the please leave feedback.

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