ellieELECTRIC; : Writing

give me something

give me something

A Poem by ellieELECTRIC;

how i'm feeling right now


A Poem by ellieELECTRIC;

another poem for another friends project, haha.


A Poem by ellieELECTRIC;

a poem i wrote for my friends project, haha.
beautiful. . .

beautiful. . .

A Poem by ellieELECTRIC;

a poem about this woman i always see at my work-she is so beautiful to me. for an odd reason.


A Poem by ellieELECTRIC;

just random thoughts put into a poem about how i feel
a friend

a friend

A Poem by ellieELECTRIC;

a poem i wrote a few years ago about my best friend at the time. he was amazing. too bad high school happened.
i was walking

i was walking

A Poem by ellieELECTRIC;

early morning thoughts. . . they don't always make sense :) but oh well


A Poem by ellieELECTRIC;

he's more than i can take, he's more than i wanted, he's what i needed, i love him.