Elise Anton : Writing



A Chapter by Elise Anton

I was there yet without warning everything was displaced around me. Perhaps the ambience, the season, the familiar act... Somehow I was transporte..
CHAPTER FOUR - Father, mother, others

CHAPTER FOUR - Father, mother, others

A Chapter by Elise Anton

My mother found inner strength late in life. Back then, ever at the mercy of my father, living in constant fear of his hostility. His bouts of rag..
CHAPTER FIVE - Dreams and Nightmares

CHAPTER FIVE - Dreams and Nightmares

A Chapter by Elise Anton

At seventeen I too dared to pursue a passion. My art deemed impressive in High School, hanging in corridors - some better pieces taken home by the..
CHAPTER SIX More secrets...

CHAPTER SIX More secrets...

A Chapter by Elise Anton

My father failed me again a second time, when I was ten. The first house our family rented after many months sharing with other migrant families. ..
CHAPTER SEVEN Violence and retaliation

CHAPTER SEVEN Violence and retaliation

A Chapter by Elise Anton

The fateful day came when my father shoved my mother, and she fell on the back steps, fracturing two vertebrae in her back. I didn't witness this ..
CHAPTER EIGHT Reconnection

CHAPTER EIGHT Reconnection

A Chapter by Elise Anton

William always returned, filling the vacuum whenever I discarded a new diversion. A given he would emerge, monopolise my thoughts and punch the ke..


A Chapter by Elise Anton

When the blue-eyed Prince arrived, whisking me off my not-so grounded feet, I perversely hoped. I counted on him being the one to topple William. ..
CHAPTER TEN Dancing for my mother

CHAPTER TEN Dancing for my mother

A Chapter by Elise Anton

William the only one enabling me to draw full breath, his presence even though brief and even if sometimes only on paper, providing the much neede..
CHAPTER ELEVEN Goodbyes and Miracles

CHAPTER ELEVEN Goodbyes and Miracles

A Chapter by Elise Anton

I married the first time at twenty four, presumably to escape, only in the process, I discovered in my husband a younger version of my father. So ..
CHAPTER TWELVE The old man and the machines

CHAPTER TWELVE The old man and the machines

A Chapter by Elise Anton

Back when the boys were little, the struggle to provide for them within the cliché of a single mum? Their father too bloody sick to contribut..