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About Me

Gone (Ruth Stone)

Now fragmented as any bomb,
I make no lasting pattern;
and my ear not cut off
in the logic of a van Gogh,
an offering of angry love,
is merely blown to bits
in a passing wave of violence.
Therefore I hear such fragments
as make no meaning.
A theater of the ridiculous,
beyond the absurd
and beyond that, scattered —
not like stars, but like the coalescing
weight of gravity, thin and meaningless,
until, tenuous, like the finest web
stretched out, it collapses and carries all
into a single disappearing zero.


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Posted 4 Months Ago

Hi Ellis, This 'About Me' piece is stunning. You make us feel the nakedness you describe as if it were we who have lived it.

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Posted 4 Months Ago

Eilis, I stopped by to read you, only to find you have removed your work. I am feeling poorer for that. Hoping you will return soon dear poet. All the best.

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Posted 3 Years Ago

I have added the Louis MacNeice poem in your profile to my personal anthology. My favorite work by him is "London Rain."