About Me
i am just a 15 year old that wishes to be 24.
I don't write much because for me, there isn't much to write about.
I know I am not very creative.
Yes, i am very shy and not so talkative. I am actually very self-consious,
in fear what people might think of me.
I like organization, I'm more like a perfectionist.
Many people love music, there is great music out there but I don't listen to it.
I like the silence I hear when I am alone,
And music just distracts my inner thoughts.
I don't have many emotions, most of the time I can be somewhat judgemental, only because others judge me constantly. But sometimes people around me ask if I have feelings, I guess I don't like sharing how I feel to others.
It is easier not to do so or people will take you for a weakling, don't you think?
I don't go out with my family to much, as a matter of fact, they are the opposite of me, loud and careless, obnoxious and happy with each other, but they don't pay much attention to me, that's what i think. That's why i stay in my room where no one can judge me, where I can think freely, and not be bossed around by my siblings.